Sheet metal working machines
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EuroBLECH Hannover

EuroBLECH Hanover

EuroBLECH 2020 - Innovations for smart sheet metal working

The sheet metal processing industry has positioned itself at the forefront of the digital age. Important key issues such as future mobility and sustainable production are decisive innovation drivers for new materials and products as well as the digitalization of manufacturing processes including planning, control and logistics.
Meet an audience with a comprehensive need for innovation

At EuroBLECH 2020, manufacturers and suppliers of materials, machines, tools and systems will reach an audience that is currently experiencing an extensive need for innovation. In order to make their companies fit for the complex challenges of smart manufacturing, visitors to EuroBLECH are specifically looking for equipment and systems that will enable them to continue to compete flexibly and cost-effectively in the future.

Visit us in hall 26 stand E20


Adresse: Messegelände Hannover Hallen 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27 Eingänge West 1, West 2, Nord 1, Ost 3, Süd 1
Messebeginn:09.03.21 um 09:00Uhr
Messeende:12.03.21 um 18:00Uhr