FEIMEC — International Fair of Machinery and Equipment — is the right place for you, an industry professional. This is the largest fair in the sector in Latin America and its third edition will take place from May 3 to 7, 2022. The fair is an initiative from ABIMAQ - Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry - Informa Markets and more than 80 entities of the sector.
Veranstaltungsort: | |
Adresse: | São Paulo Expo Rod. dos Imigrantes - KM 1,5 |
Webseite: | https://www.feimec.com.br/en/HOME.html |
Beschreibung: | FEIMEC 2022 |
Rahmendaten: | |
Messebeginn: | 03.05.22 um 09:00Uhr |
Messeende: | 07.05.22 um 18:00Uhr |
Kategorie: | Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen |