Sheet metal working machines
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MIS Slovenia

International Industry Fair

International Industry Fair with the rapid increase in the number of visitors and exhibitors in the recent years, the International Industry Fair in Celje has become the largest and most prominent fair in the fields of machine manufacturing and toolmaking, welding and cutting in SE Europe.

It is a major regional fair, which is confirmed by the fact that over 60% of exhibitors are foreign companies from over 32 countries, and more than 43% of visitors come from over 13 foreign countries.

For everyone involved in these industries, the International Industry Fair is an outstanding opportunity to acquire customers from the entire SE Europe as quickly and effectively as possible, to present novelties, meet your existing customers and to compare your achievements with your competition.

Adresse: Celjski sejem d.d. Dečkova cesta 1 3000 Celje, Slovenija
Beschreibung:MIS Slovenia
Messebeginn:05.04.22 um 09:00Uhr
Messeende:08.04.22 um 18:00Uhr