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SEBE 2022

International Building Trade Fair

The leading fair event in the construction industry in the Southeastern Europe region – The 46th International Building Trade Fair SEEBBE, will be held from the 27th to the 30th of April 2022, in the halls and in the open space of the Belgrade Fair.

The International Building Trade Fair in Belgrade will confirm the importance for innovation and competition of all branches of the construction industry, as well as the quality and recognition of long-term participants.

Specialized international event covers most diverse segments of the construction industry – from research and projecting, across building and object maintenance in civil engineering and hydraulic engineering, to representing the most modern materials, construction machinery, devices and tools. It is complemented by offers of various construction services, reconstructions, adaptations and restorations, as well as the promotion of old crafts which are another spectrum of the modern information technologies and modern project management. As a final action, a part of the Building Trade fair is dedicated to design and interior design.

Turned, primarily, towards an expert public and representatives of construction companies and entrepreneurships which gravitate towards that economy branch, the event is an indicator of future movement in the business of construction, construction materials, as well as development and application of new technologies.

Perspectives of Serbian construction and the announced construction projects of international importance, as well as projects which are currently being realized, clearly indicate to the visitors and business partners that the following Building Trade Fair will be an important event and the best indicator of the current state of the economy.

Adresse: Messegelände Beogradski Sajam (Belgrade Fair) Belgrad Serbien
Beschreibung:SEBE 2022
Messebeginn:27.04.22 um 09:00Uhr
Messeende:30.04.22 um 18:00Uhr