Dung removal systems from the market leader!
Top quality and innovative products

Overview - Dung Removal Systems

Clean walkways? You don’t have to wait any longer. We offer a comprehensive range of dung removal equipment. As a result of the introduction of a dung removal system you achieve clean and dry walkways and thus get good conditions for the animals. Manual clearing of the alleyways is no longer required. You save time - and time is money. We offer you versatile installation systems for the various types of stall and animal accommodation. The equipment is suitable both for new installations and conversions. You can install the dung removal equipment for solid and liquid dung with or without a sprinkler and for cold stalls as well. We use high quality material and modern technology to produce the components of our equipment so that we can offer you an efficient product.



       Cattle Stall          pig-hen-cow-sheep        horse         pribot

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