Dung removal systems from the market leader!
Top quality and innovative products

Dung Removal Systems - Project Examples

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Send us your stall-plan. We are pleased to create a statement of costs for you with the best solution for your stall. Call us or send an E-Mail or fax. We will be pleased to advise you!
In the following you can see our project examples.


Scraper dunging

Sraper dunging
Project example with a scraper dunging system (double system) with to single drive winches (right)

and a double drive winch DW7.

Expample of a dunging system (double system) with each one single drive winch front and back and a dropping channel in the middle.


Dropping into a cross cannel

The dropping can be outside the stall wall (below left) or inside the stall wall (below middle). Furthermore there is the possibitity to do the dropping by a ramp (below right).

Hydraulic pressure dunging


Sub surface dunging



Bedded stalls for pigs


Chain dunging in the horse stable


Example route PriBot

Route1: blue

Route2: red