Düsser Milchviehtage

Dairy farming: Networked - Not tangled!

In recent years, there have already been several specials that focused on an overarching theme in which interested companies could participate and which were also advertised separately. In 2016, for example, the "100-day window" was selected as a special, in 2018 the slogan "SIMPLE MAKE-Simple MAKE" and in 2020 the theme "EFFICIENCY".

The slogan for 2022 is: Dairy farming: Connected - Not tangled!

Address Versuchs- und Bildungszentrum Landwirtschaft Haus Düsse Haus Düsse 2 59505 Bad Sassendorf
Website https://www.landwirtschaftskammer.de/duesse/index.htm
DescriptionDüsser Milchviehtage
Start of the fair21.06.22 um 09:00Uhr
End of the fair23.06.22 um 18:00Uhr